Monday 16 September 2013

Reflection & Essay on Euthanasia!

Heyo to all,

Reflection on Euthanasia:

I thought that Euthanasia is actually a painless way of ending one's life. It can be with or without intention, assisted or not assisted. However, the real definition is the intentional killing by an act or omission of a person for his alleged benefit. I feel that Euthanasia is still considered as a taboo in certain countries such as Singapore as we deemed that life is precious and one should not resort to death easily.

Argumentative paragraphs on Euthanasia:-

Euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of an dependent human being for his alleged benefit. If the death is not intended, it is considered not an act of Euthanasia. Till now, Euthanasia is illegal is some countries due to certain beliefs and culture. Personally, I think that Euthanasia is negative and should not be encouraged as it will cause harm to people if one does not know his limits in doing things. 

1 paragraph "AGAINST":
Euthanasia should not be encouraged and be illegal as it will cause harm to people even though the people did nothing wrong in the first place. Some people, who have a chance to get hold onto the drug may abuse the usage of the drug. For instance, during the Nazi Period, more than 800 malnutrition children, who were mentally and physically disabled perished in hospitals. They were given Euthanasia that would bring fatal pneumonia, which would cause deaths. Thus, I believe that Euthanasia is negative as it could cause harm to innocent people' lives if one abuses the drug.

Thank you! :D

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